Where playfulness manifests

Bank face

My supervisors have sent me the challenge of widely researching where, how and by whom playfulness is manifested in today’s world. Whilst I dig deep into the world of academic papers and books, I thought to keep my own personal playfulness alive, I would set myself a challenge. As Lent starts today, I thought I would begin a 40-day series, looking at where I see playfulness in my immediate world. How often do we miss it? I have entitled this mini project ‘Facing the future – what do you see?’ It will be a daily image of a face I see in a building, object or place, which will no doubt prompt a statement of some kind relating to our current situation. I am posting my compositions, along with supporting text (dictated by the image and observations about life in 2021) on social media as a way of encouraging and promoting a response from my peers. It is an experiment to ascertain if it is just my playful attitude that enables me to see the faces, whilst at the same time, my intention is to challenge others to look around them in a more positive, playful way and hopefully generate a few smiles.

The Bank face
The local bank – my inspiration
Cutting teeth
Facing the Future image 1

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