Sometimes we do mundane ordinary things without thinking, they just become a part of routine. But what does mundane mean? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it means ‘very ordinary and therefore not interesting. Other phrases associated with mundane include tedious, repetitive, boring, everyday and commonplace. My challenge is how can I punctuate this with playfulness?… Continue reading Out of the blue
Month: September 2021
Simply red
Paul Klee is well known for ‘taking a line for a walk’. I am talking the artist for a walk, and in doing so looking for the colour, lines, textures, shapes that jump out. I will concentrate on the same walk, but each time I go out, I will focus on a different theme. For… Continue reading Simply red
Punctuating the mundane with playfulness
Having spent the past six weeks writing a 10,000 word essay on depiction, I must admit I have felt my creative, playful, joyful spirit slip into monochrome and grumpiness. Studying for a PhD of course requires hours of reading and studying, referencing and reflecting, but when you are a colourful creative, there is a desperate… Continue reading Punctuating the mundane with playfulness