Experiment Four – water balloons & food colouring

Having drawn marks with the remote control car, which at times felt wild and unmanageable, I thought I would maintain that sense of unpredictability in this experiment, whilst attempting to have some control by using hands to throw the water balloons. So the rules were simply this – using hands to throw objects at paper… Continue reading Experiment Four – water balloons & food colouring

Experiment Two – dropping ink

This second experiment involved using the force of gravity to produce marks by dropping ink from a height and following through with spraying and blowing. Again, it was a playful way of making marks using natural forces which were out of human control and therefore the results were unpredictable. In this experiment, I also explored… Continue reading Experiment Two – dropping ink

What do you see?

We all look at the world differently. We see with our personal experience and knowledge and what we perceive something to be is a fusion between what we see and what we know. Flexible though our eyes may be, they can only digest one visible field at one given time. They scan over a wide… Continue reading What do you see?

Objects of imagining

Looking at surfaces, marks on walls, water, the sky and searching for images within them is nothing new. I recall looking for recognisable shapes in wallpaper or the clouds from a very young age. Richard Wollheim (1980, p. 205) in his essays on Art and its objects, refers to ‘representational seeing,’ and talks about seeing… Continue reading Objects of imagining


I realise that my playfulness, creative process and the art I produce have similar threads to Dada and I can relate to the ‘readymades’ Marcel Duchamp and his peers brought into the art arena. Whether it is a security alarm, empty rope holder, mechanism on a sewing machine, basket-ball net, door lock or tin-opener, I… Continue reading Co-creating

The Golden Ticket

Charlie picked it up and tore off the wrapper …and suddenly …from underneath the wrapper …there came a brilliant flash of gold. Charlie’s heart stood still.  “It’s a Golden Ticket!” screamed the shopkeeper, leaping about a foot in the air. “You’ve got a Golden Ticket! You’ve found the last Golden Ticket!” I personally believe that… Continue reading The Golden Ticket