Moving away from forces, I thought I would just use a drawing implement and a substrate, in this case it was a digital one. Having identified the letter ‘A’ in the precious experiment as Art in my own shorthand language, I thought I would pursue this further. So the rules for experiment six were to… Continue reading Experiment Six – shorthand, the secret language
Author: Tracy Spiers
Experiment Five – hairdryer and paint
Having worked on a larger scale for the previous two experiments, I decided to work with a small substrate for this one. I wanted to still have an element of surprise with the end result, whilst having some control. So the rules for this experiment were to use the power of air to move paint… Continue reading Experiment Five – hairdryer and paint
Experiment Four – water balloons & food colouring
Having drawn marks with the remote control car, which at times felt wild and unmanageable, I thought I would maintain that sense of unpredictability in this experiment, whilst attempting to have some control by using hands to throw the water balloons. So the rules were simply this – using hands to throw objects at paper… Continue reading Experiment Four – water balloons & food colouring
Experiment Three – remote control car drawing
With this experiment, also involving a force, (ie a car dragging a pen across paper), I wanted to see what the end result would be using a remote control car that not only went backwards and forwards but flipped upside down too. The rules I set were only allowing marks to be made using an… Continue reading Experiment Three – remote control car drawing
Experiment Two – dropping ink
This second experiment involved using the force of gravity to produce marks by dropping ink from a height and following through with spraying and blowing. Again, it was a playful way of making marks using natural forces which were out of human control and therefore the results were unpredictable. In this experiment, I also explored… Continue reading Experiment Two – dropping ink
Indeterminate Images – Experiment One (Bubbles)
The whole idea of creating images that sit between something abstract and recognisable takes me out of my comfort zone. I am a communicator and like to be clear in what I say, write or illustrate, so to create and present images that are ambiguous and indecipherable is challenging. But it is in moving into… Continue reading Indeterminate Images – Experiment One (Bubbles)
What do you see?
We all look at the world differently. We see with our personal experience and knowledge and what we perceive something to be is a fusion between what we see and what we know. Flexible though our eyes may be, they can only digest one visible field at one given time. They scan over a wide… Continue reading What do you see?
Objects of imagining
Looking at surfaces, marks on walls, water, the sky and searching for images within them is nothing new. I recall looking for recognisable shapes in wallpaper or the clouds from a very young age. Richard Wollheim (1980, p. 205) in his essays on Art and its objects, refers to ‘representational seeing,’ and talks about seeing… Continue reading Objects of imagining
I realise that my playfulness, creative process and the art I produce have similar threads to Dada and I can relate to the ‘readymades’ Marcel Duchamp and his peers brought into the art arena. Whether it is a security alarm, empty rope holder, mechanism on a sewing machine, basket-ball net, door lock or tin-opener, I… Continue reading Co-creating
The Golden Ticket
Charlie picked it up and tore off the wrapper …and suddenly …from underneath the wrapper …there came a brilliant flash of gold. Charlie’s heart stood still. “It’s a Golden Ticket!” screamed the shopkeeper, leaping about a foot in the air. “You’ve got a Golden Ticket! You’ve found the last Golden Ticket!” I personally believe that… Continue reading The Golden Ticket